24 May 2007

photographs and lessons in the flow

you can click here to view miss melissa's photos of the trip so far.
i'm still trying to figure a way to share my photos that doesn't involve uploading each individual picture because that takes too long.

and today i'm regaining my going with the flow, as all the train tickets for chengdu have long since been booked and it looks like i can either pay out the arse for a plane ticket, take a 2 day bus ride, or walk. options or no options, of course i will take the 2 day bus ride. sigh. one year ago this would have been nothing. in fact it happened to me. several times. and it was nothing. but a year in america can soften a person up a bit. i going to take this as a sign that i had better book my ticket to lhasa as soon as i pry myself from the sweaty, stinky bus-fest that will be this coming weekend.

one more day in nanchang, complete with a ride on the world's largest ferris wheel.
bet you didn't know that was here, eh.


Unknown said...

OMG, Erin, I cannot believe you are gonna take bus to Chengdu. I never did that......You are so brave. Be safe.

Those pictures are awesome. Oh, I miss home.

The story of the English corner is cool. I remember that I may ask that kind of questions before. ^_^

Katie said...
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Katie said...

LOVE the pics! Thanks, Melissa. Some of those pictures were so sad...you girls should be so proud of yourselves while the rest of us just get to live vicariously through y'all. Good work!! :)