20 May 2007

fatty mcfat fat fattums fatto pants

more nostalgic moments in asia: fun with shopping.

in two separate stores today, i was told that i was waaay too big for anything in the store and not allowed to try anything on. one woman in a third store was kind enough to bring me a single large ugly black frock to try, though. sigh. memories.

the shoes fit though. oh yes, do they ever. :)

so today we went shopping and toured the town temple and had a fabulous romp in the grocery store. hooray for jackfruit chips and dried papaya!


Unknown said...

Erin, I love your diary stories. ~_~

I am glad you guys have arrived China safely.

One more thing, the large size in China is the small size in America. :)

Keep writing. I really enjoy reading them.

Dr. D. said...

Here... you can learn a little more Mandarin! Ni fang pi le ma?